Pattani Sequence I Fm
Type Locality and Naming
Pattani Basin (central Gulf of Thailand). Lowest of the 5 sequences.
[Figure: Map showing the Tertiary basins of Thailand. The solid black lines onshore are the principal rivers draining Northern and Central Thailand and the Khorat Plateau (Morley C. K. &Racey A., 2011, page 224).]
Lithology and Thickness
Depending on location, the lower units (unit I-a) comprised very coarse- to fine-grained argillaceous sandstones, while the Upper Oligocene is composed of lacustrine shales (unit I-b). The deep and hot nature of the basin has resulted in considerable diagenetic alteration of the sediments.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Not available
Upper contact
Underlies Pattani Sequence II Fm.
Regional extent
Pattani Basin (central Gulf of Thailand); but the succession is similar to adjacent basins (Fig. 10.16 in Morley and Racey, 2011). " In the Northern Pattani Basin this sequence is seen on seismic reflection data as a poorly reflective, ‘transparent’ sequence below a pair of strong reflections (marking lacustrine shales) dated as Late Oligocene. In the central Pattani Basin it is buried too deeply to be imaged along the basin axis while in the southern Pattani Basin the lower part of Sequence I is not present. To the SE , Sequence I is present in the North Malay Basin." (Morley and Racey, 2011).
Depositional setting
Sequence I is interpreted as mostly syn-rift but also comprises early post-rift lacustrine shales in the uppermost part. "Sequence I is the poorly known section of inferred ?Late Eocene–Oligocene syn-rift section (alluvial fans, fluvio-deltaic sequences and lacustrine deposits), plus the Late Oligocene to Early Miocene post-rift lacustrine shale unit that is transitional to the influx of fluvio-deltaic and paralic sediments that dominate the Miocene section." (Morley & Racey, 2011)
Additional Information